Get Carter! Q&A with Carter Quinn – Part 1

WayBackHi Carter — Welcome to “Buy the Book”! I am so excited to have you as my first guest …. it is all still a bit new and empty here; but I have loaded some pictures to try and warm the place up. As one newbie to another, are you nervous about the upcoming release? or just really excited? I am terrified and all I have done is start up a blog ?!

I am absolutely petrified. It’s one thing to have these guys come to life in my head and write down what they tell me. It’s another thing entirely to have them out there in the wild, unprotected from those who would do them harm. 🙂 Okay, so that’s a little melodramatic, but, yeah, that’s the way I feel. I hope people like them. They don’t have to love them, I just not hate them. You shouldn’t be nervous, though. Your blog is going to be great! I really appreciate you having me. I’m so incredibly honored to be here!

OK let’s get some questions out there :

Which is your favourite relationship dynamic? Alpha/alpha? or Alpha/omega? and why?

You know, I rarely think about that when I’m reading. But if I think about it now, I’m definitely drawn to alphas. For example, while I found Adrien English to be a perfectly lovely character, when Jake said “Adrien with an e” I was done. Totally and completely his for the duration of the series. And don’t even get me started on your two favorites–Ty & Zane. *fans self*

What’s the sexiest feature on a man to you? and why?

His sense of humor and his heart. One of the most fascinating things about men, to me at least, is how they’re all bluff and gruff out in public or amongst other men, but if you get them around their significant other or their children, every single one of ’em worth a damn is nothing but a gigantic soft heart. Now physically, I love me a nice broad, thick set of shoulders. And eyes I can get lost in. 

What was the very first romance you ever read?

Haha! I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I might incriminate my teenage self!

Could you pick a favourite m/m book? or couple? Heck, I’m feeling generous – you can have a top 3 🙂

Wow, that’s tough. I have so many favorite books and couples! I absolutely loved Sue Brown’s Nothing Ever Happens and Indigo Wren’s The Trap. Probably my favorite M/M book is Promises by Marie Sexton. There’s something about Matt that I love. He’s like the guys I described above–bluff & gruff but a big soft heart. So, three favorite couples: Matt & Jared from Promises, Evan & Matt from Faith and Fidelity, Ty & Zane from Cut and Run. Today. Tomorrow? Who knows?!

 If you could pick anyone in the world to be the cover model or models on your book, who would you choose?

Lord, woman, don’t you know I’m always on the lookout for gorgeous men? *g* My WIP is about Avery and Noah. To me, Noah is this stunningly beautiful man named Billy Kiraly. He is…. Well, let’s just say words fail me and I would bankrupt a small nation to have him as a cover model.

Are you a book hoarder? Do you own many books that you havent’t read yet? I’m ashamed to admit my GR TBR list is over 200 – and I actually have them on my kindle!

I am! When I moved in February, I went through my CD collection and threw away probably 25 old discs, but I couldn’t touch my book collection. Not counting the three very large (and heavy!) boxes of books in my mom’s basement, I probably have 600 physical books, ranging from 80s and 90s gay lit to Michael Crichton to Russian history/classics/language. My Kindles contain over 500 books between them. When it came time to move, I was seriously grateful for that little device! I have 200 or so on my TBR list, but most of them haven’t been purchased yet.

Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?

I recently bought a classic in paperback because it isn’t in ebook form yet. I’m having a really hard time making myself pick it up. I’ve been spoiled by 3.5 years of Kindle ownership! When I do read paperbacks I always find myself wishing for a “Search” or “Go to” function! 🙂

What is your usual writing schedule? Early morning? or have you ever written through the night? and do you ever write in your PJ’s?

Haha! Cargo or basketball shorts and a t-shirt are about as relaxed as I get. Sadly, with my current WIP, I don’t really have a set schedule. It’s been very tough going. I have been writing at lunch every day for the last four months (wow! that long?), between 200-300 words. It’s hard to make progress at that pace, but I’ve come to the conclusion that anything on paper is better than nothing. And yes, I do write pencil to paper. I’m usually an evening/late night writer, although I did 11,000 words of TWB in one day–all day long. Riley just wouldn’t shut up!

If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you?

Wow, another tough one! I’d probably want three people who could get me the hell off the island, but that’s probably not the answer you’re looking for. *g* So, in that sense, let’s say Billy Kiraly, Chris Hemsworth (who is Jason, to me) and Henry Cavill (who is scorching). I figure they gotta be worth something more than being damn fine to look at, right? And, c’mon, it’s Thor and Superman!!

What would you advise an aspiring author?

Write. Just write. Do not stop until you’re finished. I’ve been writing on and off since fourth grade, mostly off because I never thought I was good enough or that I didn’t have anything “to say.” It took In the Crease for me to actually finish something. I would always abandon my works in the middle or towards the end because, in all honesty, I was afraid. I’d say it was fear of failure, but truly, it was fear of success. What if I finished it? Then what if someone liked it? Then what if someone wanted to publish it? Oy. Do not let yourself fall into that trap. Write. Every day. Until you finish.

What are you working on next?

My WIP is so completely opposite of The Way Back. It’s about Avery, who is severely damaged by childhood abuse. He’s young and afraid and doesn’t believe he deserves of love. His mind is a tortured place that’s very hard to inhabit, but we’re slowly getting there. When he first started talking to me it was in whispers, but now I hear his full voice. I’m eager to get him to his happy ending. He deserves it.

A big thank-you to Carter for stopping by! Everyone that comments is in the running to win a copy of “The Way Back”…. Carter will then pick one lucky winner. So be sure to check back and see if you’re the one drawn out the hat. Then once you all have finished reading the book be sure to come back and read Part 2 of the Q&A’s where Carter answers more book specific questions.